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So far admin has created 773 blog entries.

IRIS – Acute electrical stimulation of the human retina with an epiretinal electrode array

Acute epiretinal stimulation of the human retina, using a microelectrode array, can elicit visual perceptions in blind patients with retinitis pigmentosa.Keserü M, Feucht M, Bornfeld N, Laube T, Walter P, Rössler G, Velikay-Parel M, Hornig R, Richard G.
Acta Ophthalmol. 2012 Feb;90(1):e1-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2011.02288.x. Epub 2011 Nov 8.

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2019-09-11T17:32:27+02:00February 1st, 2012|Publications|

ATIS – Bio-inspired vision Neuromorphic biomimetic engineering

Nature still outperforms the most powerful computers in routine functions involving perception, sensing and actuation like vision, audition, and motion control, and is, most strikingly, orders of magnitude more energy-efficient than its artificial competitors. In this paper, some basics of neuromorphic electronic engineering and its impact on recent developments in optical sensing and artificial vision are presented. It is demonstrated that bio-inspired vision systems have the potential to outperform conventional, frame-based vision acquisition and processing systems in many application fields and to establish new benchmarks in terms of redundancy suppression/data compression, dynamic range, temporal resolution and power effciency to realize advanced functionality like 3D vision, object tracking, motor control, visual feedback loops, etc. in real-time. It is argued that future artificial vision systems must exploit the power of the asynchronous, frame-free, biomimetic approach.
C. Posch Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 7, January 2012 doi : 10.1088/1748-0221/7/01/C01054

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2019-09-11T17:33:02+02:00January 11th, 2012|Publications|

ATIS – A QVGA 143 dB Dynamic Range Frame-Free PWM Image Sensor With Lossless Pixel-Level Video Compression and Time-Domain CDS

ATIS – A QVGA 143 dB Dynamic Range Frame-Free PWM Image Sensor With Lossless Pixel-Level Video Compression and Time-Domain CDS. Posch, C. ; Dept. of Safety & Security, AIT Austrian Inst. of Technol. GmbH, Vienna, Austria ; Matolin, D. ; Wohlgenannt, R. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 46, no. 1, Jan. 2011

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2019-09-11T17:33:41+02:00January 1st, 2011|Publications|

Delivery of Information and Power to the Implant, Integration of the Electrode Array with the Retina, and Safety of Chronic Stimulation Chapter 7 : Visual Prosthetics

of Information and Power to the Implant, Integration of the Electrode Array
with the Retina, and Safety of Chronic Stimulation. J. Loudin, A. Butterwick,
P. Huie, and D. Palanker. , Chapter 7 in VISUAL PROSTHETICS: Physiology,
Bioengineering, Rehabilitation. G. Dagnelie (Editor), Springer 2010

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2019-09-11T17:33:40+02:00December 1st, 2010|Publications|

IRIS – The IMI Retinal Implant System R. Hornig et al. Chapter 6 Artificial Sight

The IMI Retinal Implant System : Ralf Hornig, Thomas Zehnder, Michaela Velikay-Parel, Thomas Laube, Matthias Feucht, Gisbert Richard 

Chapter in Artificial Sight : Basic Research, Biomedical Engineering, and Clinical Advances

Mark S. Humayun, James D. Weiland, Gerald Chader, Elias Greenbaum

New York: Springer; 2007 pp 111-128 DOI:10.1007/978-0-387-49331-2_6

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2019-09-11T17:33:36+02:00December 1st, 2007|Publications|
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